Follow Ups

Boost your revenues with our follow-up module. The follow-up strategy is a great way to boost your revenues by selling more to existing customers and by getting referrals to new customers.

You or your staff can follow up profiles and record your conversations in our Followups module. You can also set a next follow-up date to follow your customers on a specific date.

How to Add a Followup?

Click the Add Followup to add a new followup. The Add Followup screen appears. This is the page where you can add a new followup to your website.

  • Type a name and select a Profile whom do you want to followup.
  • Enter your conversation in the Remarks field. You can also add notes here for future communication.
  • Enter a Next Follow Up Date. The date on which you want to follow your customers in the future.
  • Click the Save button to save your followup.

How to Edit a Followup?

To edit a followup that already exists on your site, go to Content->Follow Ups in your site Admin dashboard. Click on the Edit button under the Actions column of the followup you want to edit in the list provided. If your list spans several pages, you can click through each page or enter your followup's title in the search box.

How to Delete a Followup?

Visit Content->Follow Ups page. From here you can click on the bulk select box on top to select all followups displayed on the page. If you don’t want to delete all of the selected followups, then you can now go ahead and uncheck those followups. Otherwise, scroll down to the footer and click on the Delete button to delete all followups.

How to Filter Profiles?

Click the Filter button to filter your follow ups.

  • Profile: Select a profile to view its specific records.
  • To: Return follow-ups added up to the specified date.
  • From: Return follow-ups added from the specified date onwards.

You can also filter followups by clicking the corresponding tabs link.

  • All: This will display all follow-ups except deleted ones.
  • Today: Display all records where the Next Follow-Up date is set to today.
  • This Week: Display records to be followed up this week.
  • This Month: Display records to be followed up this month.