
We offer 24x7 ticket/email support to all our customers. Most of the time, we respond within 48 hours.

In our support, we only cover issues, or bugs that occur while using the software.

Services such as design modifications and feature enhancement are charged on an hourly basis. The number of hours depends on the type of customization.

Note: You must purchase a license or subscription plan prior to any customization. The customization support is only 15 days after delivery. After 15 days, any additional modification and bug fixing to the existing customization will be charged on an hourly basis.

Support does not cover

  • initial configurations (such as favicon, logo, and banner images change, social login (Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.), google analytics, email, and payment/SMS gateway setup),
  • data entry operations (such as bulk import/export of users, locations, etc.),
  • adding/removing fields from the forms
  • bug fixes caused by code customizations, modifications, and field changes
  • issues occur due to missing software/extension on a system or server
  • issues occurred due to third-party plugins like Dompdf, Slugify, etc.
  • Mobile App installation and bug fixing 
  • application upgrade, files restore and re-installation
  • string/text modifications and translations
  • theme customizations
  • problem-solving over email, chat and WhatsApp
  • code modification help such as asking for file name or location for specific change 
  • product training/changes via phone/video session ($25/hour)