Import theme

How to import a Theme?

How to import a Theme?

  • Login to the Admin Panel
  • Go to Developer->Themes and click the Import tab in the top right corner.
  • Select the Transaction Type:

    • Insert Only: Select if you are importing a theme for the first time.
    • Insert and Update: Select if have already imported a theme, but want to upgrade it.
  • Click the Choose file button and browse the file that you have downloaded from Marketplace.
  • Check both checkboxes:

    • Write Files on Disk and Auto Fill SCSS Variables
    • Set Default after import
  • Click the Save button.
  • Browse your website to see the new design.
  • If you see any layout distortion, clear your web browser cache or use CTRL+F5 for a complete page refresh.

Home - Simplicity Extra

Follow the steps only if you have purchased the Simplicity Home Page design from GoClixy Marketplace.

Open the application/libraries/layouts.php file using FTP and paste the code below before the last curly bracket.

Note: Please check the method existence before pasting it to the Layout file. If the method already exists, do not make any changes.

 * Display counts on the Home Page
 * @return string[][]|NULL[][]
public function widget_counter() {
    $data = array(
        'listings' => array(
            'count' => $this->CI->db->where(array('deleted' => 0, 'status' => 1))->count_all_results('listings'),
            'icon' => 'fas fa-' . gc_module_icon('listings')
        'users' => array(
            'count' => $this->CI->db->where(array('deleted' => 0, 'active' => 1))->count_all_results('users'),
            'icon' => 'fas fa-users'
        'categories' => array(
            'count' => $this->CI->db->where(array('active' => 1))->count_all_results('categories'),
            'icon' => 'fas fa-list'
        'cities' => array(
            'count' => $this->CI->db->where(array('active' => 1))->count_all_results('cities'),
            'icon' => 'fas fa-map-marker-alt'
    return $data;