
Advertising is another revenue-generating module of GoClixy that you can use to promote or sell a product, service or idea of a business owner. You can also charge your users for displaying their listings, products, services, etc. at the top of the category and search result pages.

What is an Advertising module and how does it work?

How to Add a New Advertising Package?

GoClixy supports two types of Pricing: Fixed and Campaign.

Fixed Ad: You can specify a duration and price for the fixed Ad Type. These types of Ad cannot be paused, they will run for the specified duration of time.

Campaign Ad: A user can select Tags, Category and Cities in Campaign Ads. The cost will be calculated based on the bid set on Tags, Categories and Cities.

A user can pause a Campaign Ad. The payment will be automatically deducted from Wallet on Ad click. The Ad will run until the user has cash in their wallet.



  • Login to the Admin Panel
  • Go to the Financial context and click on the Advertising link.

New Package

  • Click on the New Package tab to add a new package.
  • Choose an Ad Type by selecting the Module dropdown field.
  • Give a Name to your Package.
  • Add a Description. This is the detailed information that will be displayed to the user, whenever they buy a Package.
  • Choose an Icon.
  • If you want to Highlight this package, check the Highlight this package checkbox.
  • To auto approve an Ad after successful payment, check the Automatic Approve Ad on Order Confirmation checkbox.
  • Check the Status checkbox to enable this Package.

Package Pricing

  • Select a Pricing Type as per your requirements. For demonstration purposes, we will add a Fixed duration Ad Package.
  • If the Ad Type is fixed, set a price for the Package.
  • Set Duration, this is the number of days this Ad will run.
  • Set the Days Before Next Invoice. An invoice will be generated automatically X days before this Package Expires.
  • Set the Invoice Expiry Duration. If an invoice is not paid, it will expire automatically after the specified number of days.
  • You can also change the Invoice Expiration Reminders as per your requirements. An email will be sent automatically to the user on the specified days.

Package Priorities

  • Packages are usually displayed in the order they are added to the application, but you can also display them in your own order. Enter a lower value to display this package at the top of the list.
  • Set a Package Priority. Higher priority package ads will be displayed at the top of the page.

Package Banner

  • If this is a Banner Ad, choose the Banner Type from the dropdown list.
  • Set Display Option, this is the page where this banner will be displayed.
  • The impression is an ad view displayed on a web page. Enter a value greater than 0 in the Maximum Impressions field to limit the maximum display of an ad added in this package. Leave 0 for infinite.
  • Similarly, you can set the Maximum Clicks allowed on a banner in this package.
  • Select the modules/pages where this package Ads will be displayed. For instance, if only the Listings checkbox is checked, Ads will be displayed only on the Listing pages.
  • Click the Save button to save this package.
  • Once a package is added and active, it will be displayed to the user in the Member Area under the Advertise With Us link.

Advertising Settings

Advertising Settings

All Ads Impressions and Clicks are stored in a separate table for reporting purposes. You can set a duration to automatically delete them. Set a value greater than 0 in the Ads View Purge Duration field to automatically delete all Ads view after the specified number of days. Ad Views are deleted using Cronjob.

You can also change the default PPC (Pay Per Click) costs as per your requirements. These are the default costs assigned automatically to all Tags, Categories, and Cities.

Bid Notifications

Bid Notifications

In a Campaign Ad, the user has the option of setting a Bid for each keyword to display their Ad on top places. The user can also subscribe to notifications on the keyword's Bid change. On a Bid change, the respective user will be automatically notified via Cronjob.
As an Admin, you can also send notifications to users manually via theĀ Bid Notifications tab.

Check the checkboxes to send notifications to all Bid subscribed users.

Manage Keywords CPC and CPD

By default, all keywords (tags, categories, and cities) CPC and CPD are taken from Settings, but you can also specify a different cost for some specific keywords.

Manage Keywords CPC and CPD

  • Click the Manage Keywords CPC and CPD tab to override the default cost for few keywords.
  • For demonstration purposes, we will set a different cost for the Health & Medicine category.
  • Type Health in the Categories input field and select it from the list.
  • Change the CPC and CPD values as per your requirements and click on the Save button.
  • Similarly, you can change the cost of Cities and Tags.

How to create an Ad through the Admin Panel?

Create Ad Admin

  • Admin can create an AD on behalf of a user by clicking on the Create Ad tab.
  • Select a Package.
  • Type a Name and select a User from the list.
  • Click the Create Ad button for the Ad form.

Create Ad Member

  • Enter a website Url. When someone clicks on the banner, this is the link they will be redirected to.
  • Click the Browse button and upload an image for this banner.
  • Click on the Checkout button for the payment page.

Ad Checkout

  • Fill in your details and click the Proceed to Checkout button to complete your order.
  • After checkout, the user will be able to see the Ad in the Member Area under the My Ads link.

My Ads
Similarly, a user can purchase an Ad through the Member Area by clicking the Advertise With Us link.