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Step By Step Instructions on how to start an Online Business Directory Website?

Posted By Sanjana On July 12, 2019 07:54 PM Hits: 4087

Step By Step Instructions on how to start an Online Business Directory Website?

Want to start a directory website, but don’t know where to begin? This step by step guide will walk you through how to start an income-generating directory. We will start with the basic introduction of a Business Directory Website and then discuss how to find a specific market. Afterward, you will come to know about different business directory software's that are available in the market to build a revenue-generating directory website.

A Business Directory Website is an online list or catalog of businesses that provide organized information about companies, individuals, or websites. It is a site dedicated to meet information searches by humans and can be a great source of income. Business Directory websites have been around for a long time, but you'd be surprised how few directories are out there. People seem to have mostly given up on creating directories due to believing that they are complicated to set up and challenging to manage.

Determine your Directory Niche

With a directory website, there are many niche or market segment to explore. Your primary goal should be to create a directory that you find interesting, have knowledge about and which people would find useful. Avoid creating an all niche directory that contains just about everything; instead, find a niche or a market segment to explore.

You can choose a specific market such as an auto directory, business directory or real estate directory; or select a niche such as a tattoo directory or job board directory. Also, before starting out find out if your selected niche or market segment is big enough to capitalize. Find out how large is the market, how big is the competition, about the potential customers and how to monetize. We suggest that you start with a specific city and extend it to its success.

Get hosting and domain name

Select a good hosting service that can handle a lot of traffic and thousands of directory listings contents including text, images, and videos. It can also help avoid website downtime, server crash and improve web load time. When choosing a domain name, create a unique, short but descriptive and catchy name for the directory as this makes people know about your niche and attracts traffic.

Get directory software and suitable theme

If you’ve knowledge about programming, you can simply create your directory website yourself. However, you can still own a directory website without any programming knowledge; you can either outsource to an expert or buy directory software script. There are many business directory software available such as GoClixy, eSyndicat, eDirectory, PHP directory script, DirectoryEngine and much more. You can download GoClixy Lite Edition (FREE) and launch your directory website within minutes.

After, purchasing a directory software script, select a suitable theme based on your niche or market segment. It is recommended to use GoClixy - Business Directory Script as it is easy, cost-effective and offers great flexibility in various customization compare to any other platform.

Add cool features to your site

After the completion of your website with web hosting, domain name, software, and a perfect theme. The next step is to improve the functionality of your site by configuring available options. Most directory software comes with inbuilt modules that you can set up to add features and tools to your website and improve its functionality. Some of the useful features for a directory website includes;

  • Paid Package Plans
  • Banner and Featured Advertisements
  • Mobile Application

Content and promotion

A directory with no listings won’t generate traffic and attract customers (paid listings and advertisers). Fill your directory with relevant content to rank it high on Google. This will generate more traffic that could convert into customers. Establish strong social media platforms presence in promoting your directory. Add links to contents on your website, run advertising campaigns and promote your site in related pages.

Tags: business directory software, business directory website

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