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How To Profit A Business Directory Website

Posted By GoClixy On July 09, 2019 10:39 PM Hits: 3594

How To Profit A Business Directory Website

Earning money from a business directory website is not a myth. Many people are earning a great profit from such websites. The most popular ways to earn money from a directory website are banner placements, buy and sell leads, featured businesses, monthly or annual plans setup for the business registration, RSS feeds and affiliate marketing. Make business registration free for a few days to generate traffic and then set up plans.

A business directory website definitely gives more income than you can think of. If you know the basics of how to get started, it’s very easier to build your own website and monetize it. While many people think that blogging and affiliate marketing are the only techniques that make money online, there’s no genuine truth in that. Anyone can earn more money online and succeed by just having a directory website.

So here are some ways that can help increase your income online. The idea is to start building your small business by setting up a business directory site. This business is much like a telephone index that contains vital information like contact numbers. So with the directory website, what you need is the necessary details about a certain website.

As stated above, building your directory is pretty easy and less complicated. When you go online, there are literally lots of available free business directory software. Pick one that you think is easy and then begin working on it. The very first thing to focus on is to build your own website. After a while, start putting a few advertisements on it.

How do you really earn money?

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), almost all things rely on the amount of quality backlinks a website has. One of the roles of a business directory is to help those business owners add their sites and in return get links back to their website. Today, there are tons of increasing numbers of different directories you can access online.

In the beginning, you can allow many businesses to provide their links to your site without asking for charges. By accepting free submissions you are actually collecting a big amount of links. Over time, your directory will have thousands of backlinks and eventually, it will result in more traffic and increase of ranking. The moment your online business experiences more daily links, you can begin to add an option for a featured link with a minimum charge per year. As it continues, expect more profits to gradually increase.

After some more months, when your business directory website has obtained a higher ranking in search engine results, you can convert your business into a paid submission website. As your directory attains even much higher ranking and bigger traffic, many business owners will start to include their sites to your directory for higher fees. The great result is that both parties will benefit from each other.

However, it is still an option whether you want to add other people’s websites or not. But keep this thing in mind: the more you increase your links, the higher the ranking and the greater number of paid submissions will come until your website becomes a fully-paid business directory online. Through the years, a lot of people have been following this idea and it’s proven that many have undeniably succeeded afterward.

Tags: monetize your directory site, business directory software, business directory website

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